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Baseball Bat Handles

Play with Badgerland


Recreational Divison

This division an open to players of any gender, sexual orientation, and experience level. Players register as "Free Agents" (individuals) and teams are assigned at random. All teams are paired with expereinced coaches. The recreational division is used to help expand the knowledge of the sport and develop new talent. The division is also used as a social outlet for people to be around peers and meet new people in a safe environment. 

Questions? Contact the Assistant Commissioner

This division is open to women, trans men, trans women, non-binary and agendered folks. This division is  a competitive division used to further the skills of players and provide a safe, friendly, non-threatening environment for all.  Registration for this division is done by team. If a player needs assistance finding a team, they are encouraged to register as a "free agent" and they will be assigned to one.  New teams are encouraged to contact the Women's Commissoner for additional information. Badgerland Softball is a proud member of ASANA. By participating in the Women's+ Division, players will receive an ASANA rating that will allow them to play in ASANA tournaments across the country and the ASANA World Series.

The Women's+ League is on hiatus. If you are interested in help organize the league, please contact the Women's+ Commissioner.


Women's+ Division


Open Competitive

This division is open to anyone interested in playing at the competitive level. Registration for this division is done by team. If a player needs assistance finding a team, they are encouraged to register as a "free agent" and they will be assigned to one.  New teams are encouraged to contact the Open Competitive Represenative for additional information. Badgerland Softball is a proud member of NAGAAA. Participants in the Open Competitive Division will receive a NAGAAA rating that will allow them to play in NAGAAA tournaments across the country and the NAGAAA World Series. 

Questions? Contact the Commissioner

In addition to weekly division play, Badgerland Softball regularly sends teams to various local and national tournaments. Any Badgerland Softball member is welcome to participate in a traveling team. 

Questions? Contact the Commissioner


Traveling Teams

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